Appendix 1. Automation systems
I. Since 1996, we have developed, manufactured, certified, and implemented more than 300 energy accounting and regulation systems, including:
- a system of integrated accounting of energy carriers (gas, water, heat, steam, air) – implemented at many enterprises in Ukraine;
- a system of integrated energy metering in multi-apartment residential buildings (gas, cold and hot water, heat and electricity, sewerage) – with automatic quality control of energy supply services. Represented Ukraine at exhibitions in the years. Plovdiv, Hannover, Moscow, Beijing;
- a software and hardware complex for monitoring air parameters in special premises (metro, banks, etc.);
- gas meter for apartment buildings – with a flow rate range Q max / Q min = 1000. It may be the only commercial natural gas meter in the house. Passed preliminary metrological and operational tests. Proposals for serial implementation were submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
- duplicate natural gas metering units at gas distribution stations;
- block-modular electric gas compressor station (GCS) with the introduction of a prototype.
II. The company has won tenders:
- under the TACIS program – “Pilot project on energy saving at the enterprises of the chemical industry in Eastern Europe”;
- under the State Program for Energy Saving – “Introduction of metering devices and means of regulating the consumption of water and heat energy in the institutions of the budgetary sphere of the city of Chernihiv” and “Equipment of objects of the Ministry of Defense with natural gas meters”;
- under the National Program for improving the state of safety, occupational health, and the environment – The development of an automated system for monitoring the parameters of potentially hazardous equipment (boiler, heat, etc.). This system is an integral part of automatic systems for early detection of threats and emergency notification.